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Avocado oil (Persea Americana mill fruit) comes from the actual avocado fruit (mesocarp) when it begins to be crushed under specific conditions.

The most common method of crushing it is the cold extraction method.

Like all vegetable oils, avocado oil is tested and analyzed for the quality of its ingredients, purity and purity of the final product to ensure maximum nutritional and flavor value.

The nutritional value of the oil is similar to the original avocado fruit. Much research in recent years has focused on determining the compounds that remain in the oil after crushing and the value of the oil in our diet.





The optimal quality of the final product depends on the extraction method, the quality of the fruit selected, the storage and process conditions.

This particular method seems to lead to less modification of the oil's characteristics, while it ranges at lower temperatures and is low in cost.

It has been found that a large percentage of the oils on the American market contain additional products that are not listed on the label, but also many commercial products are not sufficient in quality.

The term "pure" or "virgin" oil characterizes only oils that do not contain any additional ingredients, have not undergone further processing and have been analyzed according to specific criteria to be characterized as of optimal quality.


The research and experimental interest has increased especially in recent years around the action of the oil. However, most findings come from laboratory and animal studies, with few clinical trials in humans.
One of these studies was done on overweight people with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and showed that adding the oil to their meals improved postprandial blood sugar regulation and led to better satiety levels. Until more human research is done, the following benefits seem likely enough to favor it:

Reduction of cardiovascular diseases and inhibition of blood clots. This action is due to the oil's high content of oleic acid.
Acts as an antioxidant against the creation of free radicals. Carotenoids, tocopherols and selenium act as natural antioxidants to reduce free radicals.
Possible reduction of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and reduction of risk for diabetes mellitus due to the content of phytosterols.
May increase 'good' cholesterol (HDL).
It has recently been characterized as a 'medicinal food', i.e. a vegetable oil with multiple beneficial effects on human health. Its action is summarized in the monounsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, carotenoids and vitamin E it contains.
It can have a place in a weight loss program due to its high nutritional value and the reduction of chronic diseases. Its action is enhanced when combined with the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
It is beneficial for the skin and wound healing due to the vitamin E it contains.
It can be used in infant nutrition due to the content of essential fatty acids for brain development.

Avocado oil is a potentially valuable and healthy food that may in the future occupy an important place in our kitchen.
As a functional food, it gathers many beneficial actions and unique nutritional elements that have a protective effect on health.